I guess I will reiterate myself for the 100th time in case some unfortunate soul missed what I have said in the past.There are no such things as bulk or cut drugs; diet negotiates whether someone cuts or bulks. I hate the terms "bulking" and "cutting," that terminology is nothing but pure steroid board rhetoric; and that rhetoric has spread like a cancer throughout the net. The old school bodybuilders did not have many “great” drugs at their disposal and still managed to look like gods. However, I don't want to feel responsible for anyone having a nervous breakdown; hence science has advanced since the day of the old school BBer and science is perpetual. Consequently, we do have access to drugs that don't aromatize much and are highly anabolic nowadays. Now everyone can exhale!
Whoever said Tren is not good for pre-competition knows little about tren and knows little about prepping for a show. I noticed if person had a bad experience with a certain drug that individual will go on a mass propaganda campaign in an attempt to disparage that drug. Moreover, a lot of times that person is arrogant enough to make overgeneralizations and blanket statements about that drug and use their experience as a comprehensive tool. Nobody has cornered the market on steroids, and I severely doubt anyone ever will; that's why always say people should come up with their own analysis through trial and error, and avoid using their experience as a "universal truth."
Imo, nothing in the AAS world comes close to the pure awesomeness of tren. It is so anabolic the Richter Magnitude Scale cannot measure its anabolism (muscle building). It contains some thermogenic property that smashes water retention and destroys fat (highly androgenic). Furthermore, tren thwarts cortisol from rising and it aromatizes very little. Tren is 5x more anabolic than test; so 100 mgs of tren = 500 mgs of test. Here is another way of looking at how powerful tren is, 1,000 mgs of test is the equivalent to 200 mgs of tren; which concludes me to say that a person does not need that much tren to obtain optimum results.
What more what a bodybuilder want in a drug when prepping for a show???? A drug that: builds muscle, eliminates water retention, burns fat, aromatizes little, and destroys catabolic hormones all simultaneously. My conclusion, tren is by far the best drug to use for competition preparation. I personally get fuckin diced on tren and everyone will see!
Can a person get adverse effects from tren? Absolutely! Can a person get adverse effects from taking Tylenol? Absolutely! Anytime a person puts any exogenous substance into their body they are jeopardizing their health one way or another. I would love to read a “peer review” on how tren is not good for pre comp and how it is more dangerous than other drugs.
It has been established a long time ago in the knowledgeable, experienced, and successful bodybuilding community that using two 19-Nors such as tren and deca together can be very beneficial.
I personally love running tren and deca together. When I’m on tren my strength blows through the roof and my connective tissue just can’t handle the stress. Insert deca with its great collagen properties to neutralize the effects of tren. I know people take a sound bite from somewhere and make it a universal law, which is this case that using two 19-Nors together will have you lactating like a mother who just gave birth because of induced prolactin. Is it possible? YES! Is it certain? NO! Again, everyone reacts and responds differently to different compounds and different combinations of compounds. There are some people who have figured out ways to conquer prolactin induced gyno through trial and error. Consequently, if I check body fat, and check estrogen, then prolactin will be checked!
Am I recommending people to do what I do? No! I don't recommend anything to anyone...
This is what I like...educated knowledge, feels like I just got out of the classroom from a great lecture, but much better of course. So Deca and Tren actually seem to compliment eachother? Realistically it makes sense...Tren is a strength mongrel and Deca helps lube the joints and tendons to better to use the raw strength you will be experiencing during a Tren cycle. Now I know some are going to ask "what about the bloat from Deca?" If being closer to a contest would one opt to use say NPP instead of Deca due to shorter half life? It really amazes me that Tren is that much more potent than test...I mean sure but that much? Really incredible read, and I don't know about the rest of the bros following here, I have been copying and pasting to a Word document to keep this information for future reference. This shit is good shit, and I am truly learning more here than I have anywhere else...thanks Led, looking forward to more discussions here...but back to my questions, also then maybe a low dose test is all that is needed for Tren since it is so superior to test? Would you still recommend Caber while running Deca and Tren together to keep the noodle at attention when called upon???
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