Well, then you kno what have to do and if thats what it comes down to do it if ok'd by the kido am sure and I hope he understands.
Am getting ready even tho am injured am preparing its just been slow steps for me but Im ready to take anther step forward. I finely broke down and bought a food scale no way after having one do I think it could be done w/o one.
Eye balling stuff worked for some time but now am stuck at this bf. Holidays got me f'ed also infact the folks just took my daughter and I to Wild Bufflo Wings gonna pay for this bc am out the gym for a while. I had a fast procedure so hopefully I can lift weights in 3 days but cardio maybe 3 weeks.
Im still planing on that cyc we disscussed unless you change that. Ama try to get me some para and npp in the meantime. I just really want to mirror what you are doing although not on such an extreme in the weight category.
Sounds good. When you take NPP in conjunction with Para shit starts popping out! Nice combo. You will get it together, just don't rush things. Give your body time to heal. Then start wrecking everything in sight.. Ah! Ha!