7-7:30 - Press snooze repeatedly
7:30 - Shower/eat
8:45 - Leave for work
9:00 - Be bored at work (look for new job)
1:00 - Lunch
2:00 - More being at work with nothing to do
5:00 - Go home
6:45 - Go to gym
8:30 - Protein shake
9:30 - Eat snack/watch TV/read book/etc.
10:00 - Look for new job/talk on phone/TV
12:00 - Go to bed if I can actually sleep
Sleep/Go out with friends/Shop/Gym
Oh and if it ever stops raining on weekends, I'll go to the pool or the beach.
I hear you, Spatts! Damn water retention! I've got a bad case of it too - more from monthly hormones than anything. Of course, those pretzels I ate yesterday didn't help yesterday either. Damn salt cravings! And chocolate cravings! Luckily I've avoided caving in to those, but I just HAD to have salt yesterday.