Mavafanculo said:Nelson - I just read the ingredients for unleashed - nice - add some cnidium monnier into that mix and it'll also be a viagra substitute lol
POST CYCLE contains cnidium. Put the two together and you're a porn star! lol It's a very rare combination that works in a way nothing else does by increasing libido, plus free testoserone, plus lower estro, plus nitric oxide to the penis. You can't lose. Needto just did a thread on combining the two and bragged about the best sex of life. LOL!
I don't have personal experience with Epistane -- there's a new prohormone type supp every 5 minutes. All I can say is every one has sucked and I can't believe this is is any different. They all claim not to be suppressive and they always are.
Yeah, Llwellyn endorsed Haladrol -- BECAUSE HE SOLD IT!!! Real objective opinion there.