I don't know how healthy it is but I've been eating it 2 to 3 times a day and losing weight. I'm watching my calories (not carbs) and find instant oatmeal is a great for curbing my hunger for the calories.
Use cozy cottage or vermont sugar free it is made with splenda( which is derived from sugar) so it tastes like the real thing just not quite as thick but when it is mixed in the oatmeal with some cinnamon you cant tell about the thickness. This is a staple of my diet I love it. Also try making a protein pancake by mixing up 1 whole egg, 5 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal, a little milk, and some cinamon. Mix it up pour in a pan cook it up. It looks gfross and I get a lot of comments from my roommates about how weird it is but it is good covered w/ zero calorie butter spray and sugar free syrup.
Just use sugar, if you check the label its only like 15 calories per tsp. I use four teaspoons of sugar in mine and I'm doppen weight like a Tijuana Crack Whore plus I eat the yolks of all four of my boiled eggs. On top of that I'm eating 6x's a days and still my caloric intake is less than 1,500 a day.
It ain't rocket science.
i use instant oatmeal, but its the regular kind; all i do is put some low cal cottage cheese in it, one scoop of nitro tech, EFA, and teaspoon of cinnimon, IMO it taste awesome.
50pro30carb10fat 400cals.
I tried that sugar free maple syrup and that stuff is awesome. That is the best solution I have tried so far, it tastes alsmost as good as the instant maple and brown sugar. Thanks!
I am curious as why you say if your eating clean you are not bulking? I have been gaining 2 lbs a week so far at 3600 calories on my clean diet. From all that I have read, by staying away from sugars you minimize insulin spikes and therefore fat storage. Sure it would be easier to eat lots of sugars but I have tried that before and was very unhappy with the results. I gained 16 lbs but I also went up from 10 to 14% bf. By the time I dieted off the added fat I had lost all the added muscle. I thought I would try a different approach this time using a clean bulking diet (low GI carbs) 40/30/30 cpf, and then use a CKD diet during the cutting phase. My goal is to put on 20 lbs in 12 weeks during the bulking phase with 3/4 of the gain being muscle.