Have any of you succesfully reduced your bodyfat to your desired level by just manipulating your nutrition, supplements/gear.
I did a search and found numerous posts on how cardio does nothing as far as burning fat and really only burns calories and hard earned muscle. I tend to be one of those people who agree with this theory. I once spent over 6 months doing AM cardio for an hour on an empty stomach with ECA stacks trying to burn off stubborn fat and was also on a clean low-calorie/low-carb diet and was still very disatisfied with my results.
What I would like to know is if any of you veteran BB's reached your cutting goals without cardio and only nutrition/supplement manipulation and if you agree with this theory.
Ive been training 2 years naturally so I havent much experience cutting besides for one time that didnt work out so well. Ive trained hard and have been eating good. Ive gotten my bodyweight up to 230 and have gained a reasnoble amount of muscle. Of course my b/f is well over 20%. I wanna cut up but dont want to lose all the muscle since I will be doing it naturally.
I know this thread belongs in the training forum but I posted it here since there is other topics revolving around the subject.
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated
I did a search and found numerous posts on how cardio does nothing as far as burning fat and really only burns calories and hard earned muscle. I tend to be one of those people who agree with this theory. I once spent over 6 months doing AM cardio for an hour on an empty stomach with ECA stacks trying to burn off stubborn fat and was also on a clean low-calorie/low-carb diet and was still very disatisfied with my results.
What I would like to know is if any of you veteran BB's reached your cutting goals without cardio and only nutrition/supplement manipulation and if you agree with this theory.
Ive been training 2 years naturally so I havent much experience cutting besides for one time that didnt work out so well. Ive trained hard and have been eating good. Ive gotten my bodyweight up to 230 and have gained a reasnoble amount of muscle. Of course my b/f is well over 20%. I wanna cut up but dont want to lose all the muscle since I will be doing it naturally.
I know this thread belongs in the training forum but I posted it here since there is other topics revolving around the subject.
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated