your money would be better spent on food and some protein shakes. That and some hard work in the gym on a good routine like the 5x5 (go read the training vault sticky in the weightlifting forum to find this), and you'd be better off.
You could do a few basic things with your diet (for one, consuming 2+ grams of protein per pound of bodyweight every day), and follow the 5x5 strictly as it is laid out, and get a good night's rest every night...and gain more in 12 weeks than you could with your current diet and routine with your dbol and test and deca and tren and anything else you want to waste your money on.
I say waste your money, because with your very limited knowledge on diet and training at this point, adding steroids would be a waste. You could gain more weight naturally with modificactions to your diet and training. Knowledge. Get some!
in my opinion u gonna need to put some good weights at ur body before thinkin using steroids,u gonna need some few good years to build up way of training to discover ur body.
and its all about ur diet and training
its not a magic as most pepole think