try not to use a belt at all......... or straps.......... use chalk, if the gym owner won't let you use chalk then use still dont use straps. just my opinon, make your grip stronger. i hope this helps.
try not to use a belt at all......... or straps.......... use chalk, if the gym owner won't let you use chalk then use still dont use straps. just my opinon, make your grip stronger. i hope this helps.
no belt except for shirted bench days to keep the shirt down. DOn't use one for deadlifts for same reasons listed above. straps when you can't get it off the floor without you're hands giving out first. Always work your grip by not using the straps otherwise
what are your opinions on gloves, i got some wicked caluses on my hands, and due to a personal problem, picked them open, and just cant hold onto a bar without gloves???
I feel pretty confident doing the deads so far. I started by finding my max about a month ago which was 405. Then I started actually doing them as a regular part of my weekly split only two weeks ago. I started with 315 for 5x5. It feels really good to do them and in my gym it's rare and scares people. Anyway I was wondering if I should wear a belt or wrist straps. I did 325 for 5x5 last week and by the end I could feel that my grip was getting tired.
Depends on your goals i guess cobra. Im not a powerlifter so i could care less about grip strength, i'm trying to build my back. If straps allow me to use more weight on deads, then i'll use them as i do.