We share 99% or our genetic makeup with chimps. What's a teeny little 1%, anyway? Have you ever noticed the range of motion they have with those lips? And prehensile feet, to boot.
Chimps are bullshit. Bonobos make them look like a bunch of nuns. Bonobos are filthy little whores:
"For it's not only males and females who roll around in the hay; with the exception of mothers and sons, all ages and genders physically bond with one another. Female bonobos are the queens of tribadism; in fact, girl-girl sex is the most common variation among the species. Not to be outdone, the boys rub their genitals on each other, and their favorite game is penis fencing, in which two males hang face to face from a branch and cross their long, pointy pink organs like swords. Even the kids get in on the act, jumping on humping adults, sometimes going so far as to initiate sex themselves. Everyone masturbates. French-kissing is the preferred smooch; one zookeeper was stunned when he offered his lips to a bonobo for an affectionate peck and she stuck her tongue in his mouth. On average, bonobos initiate sex once every 90 minutes."