mermaid said:
Pull ups? OMG, I can't manage one. Tried the other night and it was rather embarrassing - glad the gym was almost empty. Need a lot of work on the upper body, LOL.
With a little bit of training, you too will get one! Heck, I think it is awesome that you went over and tried them, nothing to be embarrassed about there!
mermaid said:
Apart from the lack of cals (tut tut), still looking good, lady. Is the 5x5 thing really working for you?
I know calories have been way low, though they were a little better today! I need to get them up so I can reach my bulking goal and can finally start cutting, so that I can TRY to reach the final outcome by the date I have set for myself!!
The 5x5 DID work very well for me I finished it up about 2 weeks ago. I learned so much and I was VERY impressed with it. I definitely plan on doing it again down the road. It worked great for both my husband and I because we were able to get A LOT of training done in such a short period of time.
![dance2 :dance2: :dance2:](
My results were as follows:
* 1 RM on bench increased from 90 to 100 lbs
* 1 RM on dead-lift increased from 165 to 180 lbs
* 1 RM on Military increased from 65 to 80 lbs
* Pull-ups increased from 2 to 8
* Squat max didn’t change, though I tested it after doing two sets (probably wasn’t the most accurate test). However, my range of motion with the same weight has increased dramatically. In other words, when I tried it a couple of months ago at 155 lbs, I didn't even get to parallel. Now, I am going well below parallel. I have probably added a good 12 inches or so to my range of motion. Also, I used to work heavy sets with 95lbs. Now I 95lbs is like a warm up!
* Weight increased from 117 – 124 lbs (with little fat gain)
So, Overall I am absolutely thrilled with it and very happy with what I have learned along the way. I am now going to test a higher volume method (which I start Monday) and see how my body handles it. After that, I will be most likely be running through the 5x5 again.