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This is really depressing. Its weighed heavily enough that I catch myself many times during the day just feeling horrible about it, staring off into space. I hate sittingh here, longing to do something, wanting to grunt, groan, spit and lift, while a part of me just says no. Everything else is absolutely wonderful and I've never looked better in my life. I think my lower back has finally given up and I'm going to lay off of the deadlifts and squats for a bit. I've gone from not squatting in 6 years, from lifting only 185 for 3 sets of 10, to 265 for 3 sets of 10 and the final set being 355 for 4. All since January. I've gone from never deadlifting in my life (only ever tried sets with 135) to doing 3 sets of 10 with 295, and a final set of 365 for 4. Deadlifts everyweek, squats everyweek. This is probably the single greatest thing I'm proud of in my entire life. Seriously. Something I thought I would never be able to do, never thought I'd be outlifting some people in it, I've finally done and I've never been more happy about it in my entire life. I think finally its caught up with me or I really just wasnt paying attention to pain, thinking it was just a struggle with the weight I had to accomplish. I'm 5 foot 7, about 195-96 or so and I've looked this good in my whole life. It just seems everything is gonna go down the drain if I can't keep deadlifting and squatting. Lately, if I stay in one position for to long, such as laying on my stomach, my lower back becomes very very stiff. In the morning its really bad. As the day goes on however, I become more and more flexible with it going away completely in the evening, only to return in the moring. I hate it. I hate my lower back. I just want to scream at it to get better and stop being so damn inconsiderate to the rest of my body. I've thought about this for awhile, and have decided to stop doing squats and deadlifts for a period of time. This really bothers me as I feel the rest of me is going to suffer for it. However I know it will never get better unless I try and let it heal, or whatever it needs to do. OR, should I just keep doing them, but go extremely light?