I agree what a lot of you guys are saying, I was a little pissed off when I wrote my first post, And my post is totally opinion based, but let's give you an example, If I were a female and I was writing you guys and saying that I was 100lbs and wanted to lose 20 lbs would everyone support my actions, I hope not! I don't see any difference in the two scenarios, you you say that you lift weights you should have a little muscle, and the difference between a 150lb man and a 100lb women is very little in body fat, and please don't even give me the shit that a 150lb man has 20%bf give me a break burning inside, my friend is only 5'6 and 150lbs and he's skinny as a stick, plus he's never lifted weights. I know that it's better to give informed information but imformation could be deadly to some people. Plus one more thing, there are people on this board who's stats and opinions change like days on a calender, one day they are preaching one thing and then the next day it's a totally different opinion. If this is going to continue to be a excellent source of imformation, let's keep the stats real, we all need help and there's no shame in teeling true stats. My stats if you are wondering are 222lbs(give or take a pound) at around 20% bf(give or take a %) I know I need to lose weight and that's why i'am here. You will never hear me say i'am 210lbs at 10%bf one day when giving info and then the next day say my real stats because I need to lose my spare tire! and I know this is a long post but I can't respect alot of your opinions when you can't be honest and be straight about your stats, anyone can look like a professional bodybuilder in writing! I know I sound bitter and I apologize but I'll be straight with you as long as your straight with me!
"Anorexia is not only a women's problem anymore"
"Anorexia is not only a women's problem anymore"