yep, last year I put back a good 12-15 beers, then drained a 15-foot uphill putt on the 18th to win the match. I then proceeded to ride the bull around the entire green while all the principals stood at the tee laughing at me.
the flip side - every now and then I think about what it must be like to pound nails - the freedom, no cubicles, no staying at work til 10pm putting together presentations (not saying that trade work isn't difficult...).
there is plenty of fun aspects, just that it's hard to depend on steady work...if i knew i had work year in and year out but you never know.
as well, peeps like you will make more money in the end with steady promotions and raises and such...
I like knowing a trade that I can take anywhere with me...peeps will always need a skilled tradesmen
I had one of those classes at my last job. They were putting us in teams of two to "role play" (as if the instructors saying we were going to role play wasn't funny enough). The second to last paring were two guys.. "Ron, Jeremy" We all busted out laughing. The lady had no idea why. One of the other instructors had to tell her. She left the class for the day after that.