There's beauty in the comeback
Hey Long time no see TG.
Boy, I'll tell you. .. I did the hospital thing and spent about 4 months seriously considering amputing my right foot with a high powered rifle. Rather than gorge, I simply didn't eat much and it's pretty hard looking at my post deca pics and what's left today. I've re-learned that I hate swimming, but......
During my pilates class you can tell; I still look better than most of the people in the class even with prolly 24% body fat. My legs are huge; my arms are huge and you won't see those little twigs hanging off the edges of my neck like most women (you know, the shoulderless look)! I'm sure you are the same. The core is still there and yeah, it's humbling, but hell, it doesn't have to be re-work if you consider it just the next phase in your growth. With what you know now, you can do a better job today.