-Women either find you attractive or they don’t.
While men might lower their standards during time of “drought”, women stay pretty consistent and are likely to hold out till they find a guy they like enough to sleep with.
-Even if you are an ugly Mofo you might be able to “grow” on them… But it won’t happen in a couple of hours at a noisy night club. You have to spend some serious time in the “friend zone” before your ugly ass gets some play from a hot bitch. She has to realize your ugly ass won’t stray because nobody else wants you. And she has to finaly grow tired of bagging handsome guys who treat them like shit cause they have too many options.
-Most of them will act a little bit “uninterested” even if they want to fuck you on the spot. They want you to at least TRY. Even if the pussy is yours when you said “hello”, she still wants to feel like you earned it. (Notice I said “a little bit uninterested” if she turns her back on you and walks away that usually a nice way of saying “piss off”)
-A girl looking for a relationship: If she is attracted to you, and interested: You can lose her in 1 second by saying something real stupid. If she likes you, and you have no game… keep your fucking mouth shut. It is better to sit in silence and appear ignorant than to open your mouth and confirm it. It is better to seem “quiet and mysterious” not “talkative and dumb”. Ok so you are a duffus and you want to go out with this gourgeous chick… Again, keep your fucking mouth shut as much as possible, be sweet, nice, caring and courtageous. She might overlook your peanut size brain for your gigantic heart.
-A girl just looking for a good time: If she is attracted to you: She does not care if your approach is corny or you don’t have 2 brain cells to make a spark. She will laugh at your stupid jokes and ignore you looking at her tits all night. She will wish you make a good enough effort of smoothing her into bed, makes her feel less guilty if it seems like you actually had to try.
WARNING: you can still fuck this up… You still have to appear Sane and never make her feel like the whole neighborhood is going to know you boned her. She needs to feel like you are a capable of having sex with her, respecting her in the morning, being nice, and staying the fuck out of her face when she wants you to. She also doesn’t want to feel like you are using her like a slut… yes deep down inside she might feel cheap for banging you dumb ass… but she needs to feel a certain level of comfort with you.
Even if she wants nothing more than dick from you, she might still call you every now and then just to “talk”, be nice, keep it light, short and friendly.
Never be a jerk or rub in her face how many other sluts you are banging. You might be too busy hitting random pussy to fit her into your rotation this week, But Never Tell Her That, tell her you are working and have too much to do, you’ll see her next week. Yes she only wants some dick and she probably knows you are fucking other chicks, but she doesn’t need to hear you tell her she is the “Monday Afternoon chick”.
The name of the game is: She knows what she is, you know what she is, but never talk about it. You will keep getting some poohtang till she decides she wants something serious and leaves your handsome ass for an ugly dude with a brain and a good job.
This may not apply to most women. I have come to some of these conclusions thru anecdotal experience and nothing more.