Ok...I am planning to add some more OL moves to my training...what do you think about all of this? OL moves are NOT my priority at all...the squat, overhead, deadlift, and good morning are my core moves. I would like to add these in for some volume and simple 'practice' and fun variety right now.
How would you set it up with my current routine?
Week 13 May 25th – May 31st
Sunday: Deadlift Variation up to a 5, 3, and 1 RM
Front Squat, 1-5 sets
Pull Throughs 1-3 sets (optional)
Standing Calf Raises, 3 sets of 10 with 315, 335, 357
3-5 Events
Rev Hypers
Monday: OHP Rack Press
Tate Presses, 3-5 sets
Lying Dbell Tric Extensions
Lat Pull Downs or Chins, 2 sets
Band Rows, 2-6 sets
Face Pulls, 2-4 sets
Curls, 1-3 sets
Thick Bar Work
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Box Squats, 225-275 plus heavy for 6-10 sets of 2, 30-45 sec rest
1-3 heavier sets with gear
GM Variation (light) 3 sets of 5 (optional)
Speed Pulls, 4-10 singles
Pull Throughs, 3-4 sets (optional)
Band Ham Curls (optional)
Leg Extensions (optional)
Rev Hypers or Glute Ham Raises, 3-4 sets (optional)
Calf Raises
Thursday: Speed Bench 205-225 x 3 x 9 sets, 45 sec rest between sets
315 x 1, 365 x 1 (optional)
Incline Bench, 3 sets of 5, 225-275
JM Press, 3-5 sets of 1-8 reps (185-250)
Tate Presses, 4-6 sets with 35-40’s (optional)
Dbell Cleans, 3-4 sets with mini bands
Rows, 4-8 sets with bands
Hang Cleans, 3-4 sets with thick bar (optional)
Curls, 3-4 sets
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
I thought about cutting a few things out and focusing more of my back/lat work into OL moves. I was thinking about doing something similar to this:
Monday: Power Snatch, Hang Clean, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat... 3 sets of 5 with each (100-185 on each set of each exercise, low intensity, working on form, using 2 3/8" bar probably)
Wednesday: (not sure if anything on this day) Front Squats, Clean High Pulls or Hang Clean High Pulls. I would use the same reps and weight (approximately) as listed for Monday.
Thursday: Hang Snatch, Power Clean, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat... 3 sets of 5 with each...same as Monday
These would all just be volume work and not super intense. I want to get used to the exercises right now and maybe cut down to 1 or 2x per week here shortly and go a lot heavier. The thick bar will cut down on the amount of weight that I can use greatly anyway.
What do you think?
B True
How would you set it up with my current routine?
Week 13 May 25th – May 31st
Sunday: Deadlift Variation up to a 5, 3, and 1 RM
Front Squat, 1-5 sets
Pull Throughs 1-3 sets (optional)
Standing Calf Raises, 3 sets of 10 with 315, 335, 357
3-5 Events
Rev Hypers
Monday: OHP Rack Press
Tate Presses, 3-5 sets
Lying Dbell Tric Extensions
Lat Pull Downs or Chins, 2 sets
Band Rows, 2-6 sets
Face Pulls, 2-4 sets
Curls, 1-3 sets
Thick Bar Work
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Box Squats, 225-275 plus heavy for 6-10 sets of 2, 30-45 sec rest
1-3 heavier sets with gear
GM Variation (light) 3 sets of 5 (optional)
Speed Pulls, 4-10 singles
Pull Throughs, 3-4 sets (optional)
Band Ham Curls (optional)
Leg Extensions (optional)
Rev Hypers or Glute Ham Raises, 3-4 sets (optional)
Calf Raises
Thursday: Speed Bench 205-225 x 3 x 9 sets, 45 sec rest between sets
315 x 1, 365 x 1 (optional)
Incline Bench, 3 sets of 5, 225-275
JM Press, 3-5 sets of 1-8 reps (185-250)
Tate Presses, 4-6 sets with 35-40’s (optional)
Dbell Cleans, 3-4 sets with mini bands
Rows, 4-8 sets with bands
Hang Cleans, 3-4 sets with thick bar (optional)
Curls, 3-4 sets
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
I thought about cutting a few things out and focusing more of my back/lat work into OL moves. I was thinking about doing something similar to this:
Monday: Power Snatch, Hang Clean, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat... 3 sets of 5 with each (100-185 on each set of each exercise, low intensity, working on form, using 2 3/8" bar probably)
Wednesday: (not sure if anything on this day) Front Squats, Clean High Pulls or Hang Clean High Pulls. I would use the same reps and weight (approximately) as listed for Monday.
Thursday: Hang Snatch, Power Clean, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat... 3 sets of 5 with each...same as Monday
These would all just be volume work and not super intense. I want to get used to the exercises right now and maybe cut down to 1 or 2x per week here shortly and go a lot heavier. The thick bar will cut down on the amount of weight that I can use greatly anyway.
What do you think?
B True