I was just reading the "rules" of being here after I've been posting for the past half hour...lol.. One rule I read may be an interpretation I'm making wrong but here it goes:
(If you don't agree with different lifestyles then "Do Not Post on that particular thread"!)
*I personally disagree with the spirit of this comment. I DO agree with being civil and not posting derogatory insulting comments, BUT disagreeing with a persons thoughts really makes a thread interesting. If we all agreed, it would be a boring world.
I tend to disagree with nearly everything conservative in this world. I am open-minded to a fault and I tend to take a stance unlike the rest of monogomous, good church going people.
My mantra is simple:
1. mind your own business
2. work on bettering yourself rather than worrying about bashing or destroying others
3. try to be positive instead of negative
4. don't judge what you've never tried or have no experience with. If someone digs FFM or MMF...who cares? maybe its the woman that requests it. nobody ever thinks of that. If you're not involved, keep your opinion to yourself.
5. try to be glad for the success and happiness of others. I think this is a hard one for lots of people. You see the guy with the sportscar and you hate him. You don't realize he works 80 hrs a week to earn his keep while you chug colt45s and collect unemployment. Do you really think you DESERVE the same luxury. NO.
6. Nobody deserves anything in life. You make your own fate through hard work, determination, and sweat. Be proud of what you accomplish, but if you CHOOSE to be lazy or content with less, do not hate those that strive for more. Anyone that does is my definition of a loser.
lol... I think a lot of BB share some of my opinions but many in this world expect a free ride. man I hate those people.
(If you don't agree with different lifestyles then "Do Not Post on that particular thread"!)
*I personally disagree with the spirit of this comment. I DO agree with being civil and not posting derogatory insulting comments, BUT disagreeing with a persons thoughts really makes a thread interesting. If we all agreed, it would be a boring world.
I tend to disagree with nearly everything conservative in this world. I am open-minded to a fault and I tend to take a stance unlike the rest of monogomous, good church going people.
My mantra is simple:
1. mind your own business
2. work on bettering yourself rather than worrying about bashing or destroying others
3. try to be positive instead of negative
4. don't judge what you've never tried or have no experience with. If someone digs FFM or MMF...who cares? maybe its the woman that requests it. nobody ever thinks of that. If you're not involved, keep your opinion to yourself.
5. try to be glad for the success and happiness of others. I think this is a hard one for lots of people. You see the guy with the sportscar and you hate him. You don't realize he works 80 hrs a week to earn his keep while you chug colt45s and collect unemployment. Do you really think you DESERVE the same luxury. NO.
6. Nobody deserves anything in life. You make your own fate through hard work, determination, and sweat. Be proud of what you accomplish, but if you CHOOSE to be lazy or content with less, do not hate those that strive for more. Anyone that does is my definition of a loser.
lol... I think a lot of BB share some of my opinions but many in this world expect a free ride. man I hate those people.