recommending more than 2g of protein per pound of body weight is ridiculous. with the combination of aas use protein synthesis is enhanced but there is a point of diminished returns. why would someone who is 200 pounds eat 400 grams of protein? the entire body is not muscle so there are extra pounds being added into the mix that dont even require the protein intake. also, the whole equation is protein x lean body mass. without knowing your lbm you cant take in the proper amount of protein anyway. protein x total bodyweight is completely wrong.
you want good results, start with protein at 1.5 grams and see what happens. if your not happy, then go up. but make sure your increasing the right macronutrient. protein is not the only thing that builds muscle. you need the right combination of all 3 macros. before jumping one of the three through the roof, why not see if anything else is missing.