Taking all that protein is really just a waste of time, effort, and also money. Depending on the intensity of your workouts and how much torn muscle must be repaired, your body will use the protein it needs and the rest will be excreted/stored as fat. There is no place in the body to store excess protein.
Also, if you're not drinking enough water, and with that much protein you want to be drinking a LOT of water, you will just end up with a dysfunctional kidney. While you are young, you won't notice the effects, but as you grow older and the rate/efficiency at which your organs work decreases, kidney problems may arise. To begin with, you don't need anything more than 1g/lb./day. Maybe 1.5g at the most. 3g will do nothing extra for you. There is also a study that makes a correlation between increased protein consumption and urinary calcium excretion. This loss of calcium through urine could potentially cause problems later on (i.e. osteoporosis/degeneration). Lastly, in order to digest protein, your body requires the vitamin B6. Therefore, high levels of protein in the body will require more of this vitamin for effective digestion.
IMHO, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Where you're at right now seems fine, so as long as you're making gains and seeing progress, no need to change the diet.