Currently @ 187lbs I can flat bench 315 twice, just did it last week wasn't too bad, my spotter didn't need to touch the bar so I guess I might be able to squeeze another rep out next week...
and cobin, good luck with your goal, if its only 10 pounds more, you'll have it really soon
thanks again spatts.
you all have great lifts
one thing though, some feds dont allow you to have any kind of head raising, like the cookey ones i lift in. just be sure you know the rules before every comp. i've seen a couple guys get red-lighted for some very good lifts
Well I am no comparison to you guys, but keeping in mind I started working out seriously 5 weeks ago I'm doing ok. Haven't tried my max bench for a week though, been refining my routine, down to training only 2 muscle groups per workout session.
Week 1
Weight: 130
Max Bench: 135
Week 4
Weight: 136
Max Bench: 155
Nowhere near you guys but I'm very pleased with my progress.
i think it might be a superstition thing, it shouldnt have anything to do with the form itself, should it? if i lift my head up, i will lose sight of my shoulder blades staying back. but thats just me. im a freak.