Regardless of what you call them, they are a good exercise. This morning I did them after a good chest and bicep workout. I could only squeeze out 6/5/6 of the wide-grip variety, but it felt great.
I do upper body in this order: chest, biceps, back. Then on another day I do Shoulders and Tris. Is this fucked up? Help a brotha out now, I'm not too proud to take advice.
I do upper body in this order: chest, biceps, back. Then on another day I do Shoulders and Tris. Is this fucked up? Help a brotha out now, I'm not too proud to take advice.
well...i started out with this...(do ya only want upper body?)
day 1: chest/tris
day 2: rest
day 3: back/bis
day 4: rest
day 5: legs/shoulders
day 6: rest
lather, rinse, repeat
this worked quite well but I changed it up recently cuz it didn't work for me anymore. but when i first started this routine it worked great,so..........give it a shot.
That sounds like an okay routine, but when I do legs, that's all I do. I might try doing the chest/tri and back/bi combo though. I'll prolly throw shoulders in w/chest/tri.