Elite Mentor
rk98ls1 said:my wife does not train she really dont need to 5ft 4in 115lbs and pretty tight for being 40 and not training she likes when i am on cycle she says sex is great
You guys sound like you have some fantastic partners, and a few that could use a bit more education about steroids.
I know I didn't have the foggiest to begin with, I thought it was all BAD and WRONG, and then I educated myself.
I just wanted to say something about this post.
It must be great your wife is still a hottie at 40, great genetics

I think sometimes I forget about all the health benefits to training.
It is one of the big focuses in medical journals like the BMJ (British Medical Journal).
I have read a lot of articles and research papers about how 'resistance exercise' is one of the best ways to prevent a lot of the ravages of old age, in particular, osteoporosis.
My degrees focused on the 'big killers' in the Western world, cause that is what I work with every day.
I have had to learn WAY MORE than I ever thought I would want to about cancer, heart disease.........sexually transmitted diseases.
In all honesty, I lost a lot of my fear of some of these things studying, some things are not as bad as the media makes out, some are really dreadful and makes me sad that people get it.
Osteoporosis is one of those things. It is the NUMBER ONE killer of women. Women take a tumble when they are older (no muscles to help support them), and their bones are fragile (no load bearing exercises to strengthen them), and then they die of complications or have a really HORRID time healing.
Then it is often difficult for them to get around.
Really sad, I see so many people in the hospital everyday, that if they took better care of themselves when they were younger, they wouldn't be in the state they are today.
The thing is, it doesn't take a lot of cardio or weights either to make a difference.
And it is never too late to start either.