i thought i was retaining water,,so thats why i gained 10lbs,,but i got my b/f done yesterday and it only went up 1 % so those are some pretty good gains right????
lol. Sorry, my computer's being VERY slow today, and I got left a few posts behind. I meant that the labels "cutting drug" and "bulking drug" are thrown around a lot, but the fact is most AAS can be used for either, it's diet that will determine what happens.
Ok - I shouldn't have said "bulking drug." My bad. What I meant to say is:
"In my experience... lifting hard and eating a strict clean diet of 1700 cal while taking IP Anavar, I lost a SIGNIFICANT amount of BF and got ROCK HARD, but didn't gain a lot of MASS."
That's what I meant...
Can I pose the question again? What can I do differently to gain about 10 pounds of lean muscle mass.
BTW - you're very observant spats, yes, I am on cycle right now, 50mg EQ/week injected into my hiney.
hey Voodoo,,,,,how have ur gains been on the EQ??? any sides from it???? just wondering b/c i plan on doing it soon so i wanted to hear some results from someone who has done it