1 coffee with milk and splenda
12 mini breton garden vegetable crackers
45g Allegro skim milk cheese
1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 packet splenda
1/2 cup of grape tomatoes
1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese
1 green tea
1 apple
12 mini breton garden vegetable crackers
1 small chicken breast (3 oz)
3 almonds
1 Multi
2 Burners
5g Glutamine - Morning
15g Glutamine - Post Workout
Body Combat - 6:30PM to 7:30PM
Note: This class was insane. My endurance was way better then it ever had been before. I felt leaner, and super powerful. It was absolutely ridiculous.
Pushups - 3 Sets X 15 Reps
BB Bench Press - Set 1 = 40lbs X 12 Reps, Set 2 = 50lbs X 8 Reps, Set 3 50lbs X 8 Reps
Flys - 3 Sets X 10lbs X 12 Reps
Incline Press - Set 1 = 20lbs X 12 Reps, Set 2 = 25lbs X 8 Reps, Set 3 = 30lbs X 4 Reps
Chest Press - Set 1 = 20lbs X 8 Reps, Set 2 = 10lbs X 12 Reps, Set 3 = 10lbs X 12 Reps
Dips - Two bench dips with feet up - 3 Sets X 15 Reps
Skull Crushers - 20lbs X 15 Reps
Tricep Extensions - Set 1 = 10lbs X 12 Reps, Set 2 = 12.5lbs X 12 Reps, Set 3 = 15lbs X 12 Reps
Upright Rows - 20lbs X 12 Reps
Lateral Raises - 10lbs X 12 Reps
Note: This workout was retarded. I didn't buy into the fact that it would be hard because there was so little written down on the sheet. I was wrong. It was a SICK SICK SICK workout. I kinda overkilled it last night...spent about 2 hours at the gym (I know I shouldn't have)...but it was amazing. My tris popped completely which made me giddy. And my shoulders looked phenomenal when I was doing the lat raises.
Anyways, thanks a ton for the input in the other thread about decent strength routines. I'll try this for a month and see how it goes. Tonight is probably just some stairs for 35-40 minutes to take it easy after last nights fiasco. Overall I'm pleased. Yay.