Start 16:15, finish 17:30. Woo hoo. No interruptions, ‘cept my spotters wandered in when I needed them.
Squat: 1 RM - 385, 5 RM - 325 2X165(5½), 2X215(7), 2X265(8½), 2X315(9¼), 2X375(10). Close to max. I upped my warmup sets. Didn’t want to be too far behind the curve.
Flat Bench Press: 1 RM – 290, 5 RM – 240 2X115(5), 2X165(7½), 2X200(9), 2X240(9½), 2X280(10). 5 lbs off max! Second rep was hellacious. Sat there and hovered for a good 5 seconds at ¾ extension before locking out.
Standing Press: 1 RM – 160, 5 RM – 140 2X60(4½), 2X80(6), 2X100(8), 5X120(9), 1X150(10). Only 1 rep at the top, but it is a PR! Woo, Hoo!!!
Synopsis Good workout. Works been pretty tough the last few days, physically. It showed in my fatigue level. I also twinged my right shoulder, and this workout didn’t help. R.I.C.E..
My goal with this is to work up to a steady state 6.0 mph for as long as I can. Back in the day I ran 1½ miles in 9 minutes (I think). That was my time when I left basic training. Later I was able to regularly run 10k in 1 hr, which is 6.0 mph.
Treadmill: 22 minutes, Incline 2.0, Speed 2.5 & 6.0 mph. 1 min warmup, 4½ minutes first sprint. Jogged ‘til H.R. dropped under 130. Today was 17:10
After 1½ mile trial, I just did my cool down. I realized I don’t want to overdo it to the point it interferes with the wewights. Heart rate started at 96, got up to 161 at times, & dropped to 108 after 5 min cool down. 360 cals
1½ mile time progression: first target is 15 minutes.
16.4.07, 21:35
18.4.07, 20:40
23.4.07, 18:35
27.4.07, 18:20
30.4.07, 17:10
No cramps to speak of, today. Fatigue, and a stitch in my side
Crosstrainer: warmup for Tread. I was actually gonna do my whole cardio session on the Xtrainer, but I couldn’t do it. Not tough enough. I’m in a groove here. 10 min, resistance 7, 8.0 mph, HR 96 - 129 160 cals
Treadmill: 30 minutes, time was tight. Intervals 1 min at 2.5 mph, incline 4.0; 1min sprint, starting at 5.0 mph & working up to 8.0 mph, incline 2.5. Went good. A little tightness in the calves, but otherwise fine. The last 30 sec were 15.0 incline at 8.0 mph. I was soaked. 495 cals
Water 4½ litres..
Kinda sad today. I found out a guy I used to work under is sick. He’s a good guy, smart, funny. He isn’t a good friend, but he is a friend. He is one of the reasons I have the job I do today. He has Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh Eating Disease). He’s had 4 operations to stem the infection, to no avail. He’s currently listed as “hourly”. That was as of 13:00 today.
Not sure if anyone is still reading this. But I'll keep it going, just to keep me honest.
Bench Press: 1 RM - 290, 5 RM – 250 6X115(4½), 5X180(8½), 5X250(10), 5X250(10), 3X250(10). Hit my 5RM. Now I just gotta get those 2 more reps on my last set. Rawk On!!!
My goal with this is to work up to a steady state 6.0 mph for as long as I can. Back in the day I ran 1½ miles in 9 minutes (I think). That was my time when I left basic training. Passing was 12 minutes, or 8mph. Later I was able to regularly run 10k in 1 hr, which is 6.0 mph.
Treadmill: 30minutes, Incline 2.0, Speed 2.5 & 6.5 mph. 4½ minutes first sprint. Walked ‘til H.R. dropped under 130. Today was 17:01 and freeegin tough. Thought I was gonna heave.
After 1½ mile trial, I did Intervals. 1 minute run, walk ‘til HR drops under 130. Started at 6.5 mph & went up .2 mph each interval.
Heart rate started at 96, got up to 167 at times, & dropped to 113 after 5 min cool down. 495 cals.
1½ mile time progression: first target is 15 minutes.
16.4.07, 21:35
18.4.07, 20:40
23.4.07, 18:35
27.4.07, 18:20
30.4.07, 17:10
4.5.07, 17:01
Some calf cramping. I had a sore lower back at work, from work the day before. Diddn’t affect the run & didn’t bother me after.
Thinkin on it myself. Aside from you & CK, I'm the only one that posts in it. A log is good, keeps you honest. But if there's no comments or feedback from others it becomes on exercise in futility.