mattie o
New member
thanks again for the replies and critiques...i do have to say tho, that i cannot be talked out of low carb, nor do i care what hollywood thinks...ive done it for over a year, and i LOVE it.
ive tried other WOE's and while i lost weight doing that, ive made the most progress with low carb. not only that, but im satisfied and i feel great! bear in mind i dont eat that much bacon grease, as i understand animal fats arent preferable. most of my fats come from olive oil, nuts, butter, etc
like i said, i try to eat as clean as possible--VERY little processed foods. if i have any of that stuff, i save it for the weekend, and only have a bit.
as far as the calorie cutting...still sort of experimenting with this. at 1800-2200 cals/day, i wasnt seeming to make any i felt so full and bloated all the time. so ill try this, see what happens. someone said to me the other day, if you want to cut, do 10 cals per every lb of body weight?! not sure if thats accurate...but for me that would be 1350 calories.
thanks for critiqing my workouts too! im still learning not only about lifting, but my body as well. i TOTALLY know what you mean about compound lifts eliminating the need for ab workouts--very cool! i dont care much for doing abs anyway. for a long time i was doing a muscle group per day, and i felt it got stagnant very quickly. the more i incorporate full body and compound lifts into my routine, the more results i see
altho i did make tremendous gains doing the other way...but ya gotta change it up, right? 

as far as the calorie cutting...still sort of experimenting with this. at 1800-2200 cals/day, i wasnt seeming to make any i felt so full and bloated all the time. so ill try this, see what happens. someone said to me the other day, if you want to cut, do 10 cals per every lb of body weight?! not sure if thats accurate...but for me that would be 1350 calories.
thanks for critiqing my workouts too! im still learning not only about lifting, but my body as well. i TOTALLY know what you mean about compound lifts eliminating the need for ab workouts--very cool! i dont care much for doing abs anyway. for a long time i was doing a muscle group per day, and i felt it got stagnant very quickly. the more i incorporate full body and compound lifts into my routine, the more results i see