Sc - I agree 110%. To All - I know I would like to see whom I'm dealing with when taking adivce of ANY kind......although many of the best coaches, gurus, experts in a lot of fields are actually horrible at what they do. I mean look how many NFL, NBA, etc. coaches are out there, whose knowledge is FAR suprerior to any player, has never actually put on the pads or gear. However, in this field, that is USUALLY not the case. I swear to you, that as soon as I get a decent digital camers (camera phone I have is a joke, tried it many times) I will post it immidiately. For now, please just take my word, as that is one thing I would never bullshit about. I feel trust to be number one in anything and everything that I do. I am 6'2 and 188 at this very second (ok, 45 minutes ago in the gym)........I last had my bodyfat test via hydro. 2 weeks ago and was hoovering around 7% (5.5 with calipers)..........I get like this every summer for 2 reasons. One, it's hard for me to eat nutrient dense foods when the temperatures are 80+ degrees, and TWO, much of my free time is spent outside, doing a variety of things. So, right now, I'm in pretty rare form. My bench is around 315 for a couiple, my squat is about 405 and I can run a 5.5 minutes mile. Nothing to brag about by any means. Just want to give you an idea. I've been as high as 235, 2 winters ago and about 11-12% bf. Not sure where I;m going to take it shortly, but I do know I feel better with more mass.........
My objectives have and always will be to do as much reading and research as I can to stay on top of this game. I know what works for ME and a few others that I've assisted. One of my prouder moments occured last fall. A fellow gym rat who is 45 years old, WON the EAS transformation contest under my wing and guidance. Some may chuckle at that, but to see his transformation and see tat check for $10gs come rolling in, almost brought a tear to my eye. You can check him out at (think)....Mark Beaton is his name. I'll see if I can use him as a reference.
Sure, I have a lot to learn, and that's why I'm always asking questions and many have helped me out greatly (SC - thanks bro). That's the key. Never stop learning!!!!!