Ive taken the t3 once and want to do clen for a upcomming show instead..does this stuff make you feel all fucked up or what? For some reason the idea of taking it freaks me out.
Just make sure to take taurine withit and you will be fine. I am using it now (up to 280mcg per day) with no sides because of the taurine. Before I started supplementing the taurine I had shakes, heay sweating, headaches...all that shit is gone. Good luck on your contest.
I've taken Clen, ECA, and T3 and I personally got the worst sides from the Clen. I would get bad migrane headaches and shake all the time to the point where I couldn't write. It was also the one that worked the best though. I didn't loose any muscle while on and I dropped from 9-7% bf at the time. I will use it again but not looking foward to it. Good Luck.