p0ink said:
hey, thanks for the offer man, but i dont really get down with the whole 'homo thing' though. i hope you understand. i do know some gay men with aids though, that would be more than happy to take a stab at you, if you want. your bowels could soak up the death cum and cigarette ash like a sponge. PM me man, ill hook it up.
And this pointless little diatribe is supposed to do what, exactly? Make me get into a flame war with you? You're not worth the time it would take to grind the heel of my boot into your scrotum.
I've expressed my views, my suggestion to you is that you pray to whatever deity will accept your tribute, pray that you never meet me...
Knight69, be careful what you ask for - I have no quarrel with you, and I think it's best we keep it that way. I'll chalk up your judgement of what or who is "cool" to youthful ignorance...