Which Humalog are you taking? Pre/post/both/with meals?? Is this the first time running insulin? also, how much carbs are you consuming?
HGH is way too much at 20 ius a day....that's 2 full slin pins with BA water...how are you injecting all this? where?
D-bols at 80 mgs will make your nipples feel like sand paper...IMO...way too much. Your liver will not like you too much, it's going to be working way too hard.
You're pratty much taking close to 2 grams of test a week...that's insane.
How many cycles have you had before? how long you been lifting? what's your diet like?
you are at 8.5 % bodyfat and going to run that much humalog you will put on some access weight with how much carbs you're going to eay IMO...
Also, I second what steve said. I would like to see what a 5'7" 217 lbs 8 % monster looks like...post pictures...
no discussion about insulin use....,read the rules... This idiots gonna kill someone... Someone close this thread... Good find Steve...
Think we can agree on this.