thanks for helping.. Im new to all this and dont know whats normal or how much of what Ive put on is water vs. fat, if an AI would help at all etc or if I should finish the cycle by changign the diet to cut, possibly adding clen...
Im at 200 right now, started at 172, 5 or 6 weeks in. Yea, I know.
its just test e. I honestly think ive been eating pretty well, 40% of my daily intake is from protein. dont go overboard or anything. My goal was iniitally this;
3 cycles. this is my first. next is deca dbol test. final is test and tren to cut it all. I was goign to cut after 1 month of maintaining weight after cycle (for the 2 months leading into my next cycle) and continuing this pattern til my third and then go natural. My goal is to be around 220 and 9%. I have no idea what my bf is now because of water etc, but I started at 172 at 11. I would guess 16% or so now.
I guess im asking is there any steroid or really any kind of compound I can add to this cycle? am i flipping out about nothign? is it better to just continue to bulk, just relgigiousoly clean, and then cut for the 2 months before my next cycle? whats the best course of action...