Thanx man! Those first photos were just quite spur of the moment. I'll post up some better leg shots next leg day. I ain't hidin! Lol I'll get some mass eventually
Haha thanx man. All the dudes in my family are the same. Small but with wiiide rib cages front to back. And I wish I had the length in my quads. Maybe then it'd proportion out w/ my mini-calves!
I wish my quads were wider not taller. I took my measurements once and made a ratio of that based on height to those of Arnold's and body part for body part I matched him exactly except for calves, I need to add an inch to them to match the ratio.
Fuck dude! An inch away from Austrian Oak status? That's something to be proud of. On the calve front, he said he spent 45 minutes a day on his. Been thinking about trying something similar. But when would the recovery and growth happen??