I have concluded that trenbolone is not anything that interests me any longer. I just do not enjoy nandrolones. I have zero desire to run it again and I will stick to more long lean gainers like eq and primo.
S4 vascularity is real. GW helped me keep my blood pressure in check on tren as once I halted use, my heart rate went up a full 10 beats doing the same cardio I was doing. The albuterol from agguys is a great AM tool that has worked on an almost fasted cardio. GK Oxandrovar is the truth; period. If you cannot achieve some serious goals while running it, something in your blueprint is terribly off track. From here on out I will run:
S-4 (if I can bear the vision sides)
Albuterol in tue a.m.
6.25 mg of aromasin.
eventually Halo for 4 weeks.
For my bulking in the winter I will run high test with lgd