just make sure you warm up for it properly. I usually will use doubles as warmup sets, I just didn't think I was going that high this week. Make sure you do some ab work really helps stabalize the lift especially if you don't use a belt like me
i work my abs a lot, hold a 35 on my chest and do as many slantboard crunches as i can, then do legs raises. i have a strong torso, and i dont use a belt, or gloves, or wraps. just chalk.
Careful guys don't overdo it with the deads. I talked with some powerlifters in my gym and they said it not good to do deads every week. they said they'll do deads every 3rd or 4th week and train their lower back by hypers, good mornings, reverse leg extensions.
my waist is about a 32-34 depending on how much i diet, but I have to say my legs and ass are pretty big. I mean not ghetto booty big, but running back big. I weighed in at 192lbs today @ 5'7-8
little chris I only dead once every thrre weeks when I focus on deads, but other than that I do power cleans and gm's
Gludukat I am probably the strongest boxer you will find, but to be honest I look like a boxer gone wrong. I mean I am out of proportions so bad for normal boxers my coach wants me to stop lifting altogether
I only deadlift in competition, so I know what you're saying about how you can gain strength in a move by working its parts, as opposed to the full lift all the time.