New member
I'm home and ok from the surgery. I had two miniscus tears it seems. He repaired one as it was starting to heal, and the other, had a very very poor blood supply so it was smoothed out. However, I have another surgery in 4 weeks. It appears my ACL was pretty jacked up. He said its just torn really bad, although not all the way through. So I have an ACL surgery coming up in 4 weeks. He said he didnt want to do it now, as it was so inflammed and aggrivated, it would take a long time to heal, or so I remember him telling me that, I was pretty woozy. My knee was actually messed up a whole lot more than anyone thought. When he went in to make the holes for the camera, blood just came pouring out of my leg. So one point for the stairs, no points for me just yet. Looks like I'm going to be out of it for awhile, I'll be looking to those pictures I posted for help, as I'm going to be trying to get back to there. I really am curious as to when I can squat again. I dunno, I guess this will give me time to advance in other areas of my life, and try to find joy in other things, though its going to be hard. I miss lifting already.