Look RJ, I really appreciate most your posts, you seem to be a highly intelligent and well educated person, as well as being open minded and moderate. so I am surprised and dumbfounded by what you are saying.
Take it from me, I live in one of the racist countries in the world, Israel, I also spent a number of years in my youth in South Africa back in the apartheid days so I know about racism.
What you are saying above is racist, I can understand what motivates you to say it and feel this way but you gotta see the big picture.
The Dutch and English as well as the rest of Europe totally fucked up Africa over the last 500 years. Therefore I beleive that Europe has to accept many Africans into Europe and allow for integration. Its the same with the slaves in America, many of their offspring till this days are in "The Hood" and it will still take some time for this to be mended. It sucks but it is YOUR ancestors doing. Your attitude will not make the situation better, and enough people with your attitude will make it take longer to get better.