Westies, I'm not too sure about cutting. I don't think I would recommend the routine. It is based upon the fact that your strength will skyrocket, which contradicts all aspects of cutting.
Shoulders and Bis, abs tonight.
5x5 at 180. PR!!!!
DB militaries.
1x9 with 75s.
1x7 with 75s.
Lat raises.
2x9 with 25s.
BB Curls.
3x5 with 105.
2x5 with 95.
1x9 with 95.
1x7 with 95.
Zottman curls.
2x10 with 25s.
Medicine ball sit ups.
2x15 or 20. Lost count.
Leg raises.
2x11 with +20.
Standing side bends.
2x15 with a 65lb DB.