main goal
Main thing I am looking to do is lean up a little and gain some size and strength. Doing 75mg of winnie a day and thats it. Taking some methoxy 7 and hot rox along with it. Diet is clean. I am currently 5'8" 175 14% trying to get down to 9-10% and keep weight the same. So far this is my personal experience. I tried it last spring and I train like a mad man when I am healthy. I killed one person who was willing to do it. He couldn't keep up and was bigger than me and stronger than me. I only did it for a few times and my joints started aching. The thing is I wasn't on any thing at the time. So I figure I am on a cycle of winnie and my recovery should be enhanced from the winnie. So far I love it. Did 10X10 on flat DB presses and superseted with pullups for monday. Tuesday I am rehabbing hip injury. So what I did is 9 sets of quad exercises (1set per exercise: Squats only bar, bulgarian squat, hack squat, 1 legged squat, front lunge, 45 degree lunge, skaters lunge, hip abduction, hip adduction, leg extensions) .......Hams I did the same 1 set per exercise (1 leg kneeling leg curl, leg curls, back extensions, 1 leg kickbacks, good mornings, swiss ball ham curls) then I finished with 10 sets of 10 on leg raises(weighted) and 10 sets of 10 of 1 leg calf raises. Needles to say this worn my ass out. Tired the rest of the day. Been eating tons of protein trying to get around 300gms. Today I did arms and shoulders. 10 sets of 10 of side lat. raises, overhead extensions, and hammer curls. My whole body is soar and worn out. Tomorrow is rest day (brisk walking thats it) Friday 2-3 sets per muscle light weight (more of just a total body light day to get some blood moving to each muscle to enhance recovery) Sat. and Sunday are total rest days other than brisk walks. I know I may catch hell for this, but got to experiment. Thanks for all the feedback. I see its a mix of good and bad. Sounds like a lot of overtraining and I agree that this can happen easily if you are not precise with nutrition and rest. Also I am trying it simply because I am on gear now. Well thanks again brothers and look forward to more responses. Peace.