Ok folks. The quackwatch website? LOL..Dr. Stephen Barrett, MD who created that website has been in debate with chiropractors for years. I suggest somebody to go to their local library and look up Dr. Ian Grissam, D.C. and Dr. Stephen Barrett's, MD, tape on a talk show when they debated the chiro/medical issue.
the reason why the AMA (american medical association) hates chiropractors is because we take their business from them. Its a money thing. Its not about if they care about your health or they believe they are actually better for you or that chiropractors do not help--its a money thing. Always has been. Pharmaceutical companies, Washington, D.C. policiticans, FDA, they all make money of the general american public being ignorant.
Ask any physicist. or neurologist. or physiologist. Chiropractic is more scientifically based than medicine.
we allow the Central Nervous System to work optimally. And guess what? your CNS controls EVERY FUNCTION in your body.
Do you really think that your head hurts because your brain ran out of aspirin so you have to supplement it with some more?
Do you really think nature gave us too many organs and not enough drugs?
cmon, ask yourself these logical questions..