Well you all remember the cycle of the beast right?
600mg Test Cyp
600mg EQ
600mg Deca
I ran that for 7 weeks with Aromisin 10mg ED, and Proviron 50mg ED. I made all my gear besides ancillaries whickh I get from AG-Guys.
Now its this:
Tren A 400mgs P/W
Primo 500mgs P/W
Masteron 600mgs P/W
Parabolin 380mgs P/w
Proviron 100mgs ED
I will drop Tren A in oh 1.5 weeks and add winny in at 350mgs a weekand run this until the show.
I will also be using
HGH 4ius 5/2 split AM/PM
Letro 1.5mgs a day split AM/PM
Albuteral/ Clen 2 day split. Albut. 20mgs ED AM/PMish Clen .20mcgs AM/PM
Hovering around 1900/2000mgs a week. I am 221# at I would guess low 5 high 4%. Just starting to cut back hard now. I am tanning so I will get some pics soon. I was so white you would have had your eyes scorched by my white braughtness. (for those that know their sausages! )
600mg Test Cyp
600mg EQ
600mg Deca
I ran that for 7 weeks with Aromisin 10mg ED, and Proviron 50mg ED. I made all my gear besides ancillaries whickh I get from AG-Guys.
Now its this:
Tren A 400mgs P/W
Primo 500mgs P/W
Masteron 600mgs P/W
Parabolin 380mgs P/w
Proviron 100mgs ED
I will drop Tren A in oh 1.5 weeks and add winny in at 350mgs a weekand run this until the show.
I will also be using
HGH 4ius 5/2 split AM/PM
Letro 1.5mgs a day split AM/PM
Albuteral/ Clen 2 day split. Albut. 20mgs ED AM/PMish Clen .20mcgs AM/PM
Hovering around 1900/2000mgs a week. I am 221# at I would guess low 5 high 4%. Just starting to cut back hard now. I am tanning so I will get some pics soon. I was so white you would have had your eyes scorched by my white braughtness. (for those that know their sausages! )