Gymgurl said:
Oh I hate when that happens about Benifiber? Works for me..but I don't know if you can get it or not
Thanks I'll see IF I can get it here... is happening in this latittude of the planet...LOL
I woke up sore...I have been having back pain, not lower back it is more in waist area..It is not exercise sore, It hurts if I touch it, if I stand up straight, if I try to put anything above my shoulder's a movement that has arms straight....i.e. jar in cabinet...yes a JAR...freaks me out...I can hold a 10 lbs. disk and do frontal shoulder raises, and carrying a tray hurts....
The pain is like a bruised muscle pain...when I touch it, right around the if it were the muscle covering the spine....
I had some plates taken while @ hospital, and nahhhh...all he could say was that I had a great posture and was full of shit....
(that's why I took the damn prune pills, that had me swearing not to do whatever I had done ever again)
It's like in a feel so bad that you say this "Dear Lord if while I was drinking I offended you, With this hangover YOU OWE me"....
Now back to the back issue...Dr. said it was a reflex pain...meaning that the colitis had a mirror effect and was causing the pain in my back...yeah right...I had more bowel movemets that breaths yesterday and pain is still there...
He did say I had a slight shift in between the 4th and 5th...(lumbar????)
I think that is the reason...He kept on about it being my hinge so I should not worry... ah ha...let him not worry about "his" interests....I am just mad...mad as in angry, not insane....
Rant rant rant...worst thing about it???? I hate to go to i am being pushed go and get one who maybe will get it right!!!
I go to bed tired, I wake up tired...To even tell you I wore sweats all day yesterday....ugh...I really must be tired...I am about to just let those fluid things come out of my eyes....
After this...going to park and doing stair steps....maybe I will find the stairway to heaven...