Height - 6'0"
Weight - 207lbs
Body fat - ~12%
Age - 26
Experience - 8 years
Been lifting since I was 17, started out at 175lbs. I've done 3 bulks and 3 cuts. I started like an average kid, thought I had to eat everything in sight to bulk. Blew up to 220lbs with probably 20% bodyfat, was very happy with my strength gains but not my look. Then I decided to cut and fell for the no carb/low card high fat diets. I was very impressed the speed I lost weight but needless to say all my muscle was gone, and I was left at about 190lbs and 15% body fat. From there I decided to start researching things a lot and talking to trainers. I currently maintain 200 grams of protein, 20% of my daily calories from fats and fill the rest in with carbs based on if I'm cutting or bulking... Right now I'm taking GW and plan to cut a few more pounds until I'm Impressed with my abs. Then I plan to jump on the gear!
Here is an example diet I'm currently doing,
Meal 1 - 40g oats, 9g Coconut Oil, 110g egg whites, multivitamin
Meal 2 - 68g brown rice (cooked), 15g almonds, 110g chicken, 1 cup mixed greens
Meal 3 - Same as meal 2
Meal 4 - Same as meal 2
Pre workout - 1 cup black coffee, 1 serving ON whey protein, 15g almonds
Post workout - 2 rice cakes, 1 serving ON whey protein
Meal 5 - Same as meal 2
At least 1 gallon of water per day
This is 1750 calories diet, but keep in mind I sit at a computer desk all day and the only real body movement I get through the day is at the gym. So it may seem drastically low for some guys, it allows me to slowly drop weight while maintaining my strength. Also, it may seem like a lot of bland same old crap through my meals but it's the best I can do with my long work hours. I can cook chicken, brown rice & brocoli in large bulks to last me through the week for easy prepping.
I plan to keep my diet mostly the same through my cycle, but obviously increase my calories and macros as needed.
My workout routine is pretty old school, alot of basic compound movements, lifting heavy to failure. It's very similar to Dorian Yates Blood and Guts workout routine but with a few things switched up that give me better pumps and I switch my workouts up a bit every couple months. It's all 5 days a week, no more than an hour with cardio 2-3 times a week. Lol and always heavy, even during my cuts. None of that girl shit.
So here is what I was thinking,
Week 1-12 Test Cyp 250mgs twice a week
Week 8-12 Winstrol 50mgs ED
Week 1-12 Arimidex 0.25mgs Mon/Wed/Fri (increase dosage if needed)
Week 13-15 Nothing
Week 16 - Start PCT (I will be following the perfect PCT protocol, I assume I don't need to post the whole thing for the vets here)
I know a lot of people recommend test only for a first cycle, others are okay with 1 oral as well. But I would really like to throw the oral in there. I believe I should be well aware of any test sides I could be having by week 8 when I start the Winstrol.
I just have a few questions. Would anyone recommend switching to test prop? I'm not worried about pinning more often, or so much pain since I'm in a chair all day, but I do like the idea of it clearing my system much quicker than cyp if I get sides I can't keep under control. And as for clomid in my PCT, I don't like the idea of it possibly making me all emotional or feeling "girly" which I've read alot. is there anything you guys would recommend switching the clomid with?
Anyways, I hope that was enough, or not too much info. Any suggestions or tips would he great guys. Throw it at me!
Sent from my SM-N900T using EliteFitness
Weight - 207lbs
Body fat - ~12%
Age - 26
Experience - 8 years
Been lifting since I was 17, started out at 175lbs. I've done 3 bulks and 3 cuts. I started like an average kid, thought I had to eat everything in sight to bulk. Blew up to 220lbs with probably 20% bodyfat, was very happy with my strength gains but not my look. Then I decided to cut and fell for the no carb/low card high fat diets. I was very impressed the speed I lost weight but needless to say all my muscle was gone, and I was left at about 190lbs and 15% body fat. From there I decided to start researching things a lot and talking to trainers. I currently maintain 200 grams of protein, 20% of my daily calories from fats and fill the rest in with carbs based on if I'm cutting or bulking... Right now I'm taking GW and plan to cut a few more pounds until I'm Impressed with my abs. Then I plan to jump on the gear!
Here is an example diet I'm currently doing,
Meal 1 - 40g oats, 9g Coconut Oil, 110g egg whites, multivitamin
Meal 2 - 68g brown rice (cooked), 15g almonds, 110g chicken, 1 cup mixed greens
Meal 3 - Same as meal 2
Meal 4 - Same as meal 2
Pre workout - 1 cup black coffee, 1 serving ON whey protein, 15g almonds
Post workout - 2 rice cakes, 1 serving ON whey protein
Meal 5 - Same as meal 2
At least 1 gallon of water per day
This is 1750 calories diet, but keep in mind I sit at a computer desk all day and the only real body movement I get through the day is at the gym. So it may seem drastically low for some guys, it allows me to slowly drop weight while maintaining my strength. Also, it may seem like a lot of bland same old crap through my meals but it's the best I can do with my long work hours. I can cook chicken, brown rice & brocoli in large bulks to last me through the week for easy prepping.
I plan to keep my diet mostly the same through my cycle, but obviously increase my calories and macros as needed.
My workout routine is pretty old school, alot of basic compound movements, lifting heavy to failure. It's very similar to Dorian Yates Blood and Guts workout routine but with a few things switched up that give me better pumps and I switch my workouts up a bit every couple months. It's all 5 days a week, no more than an hour with cardio 2-3 times a week. Lol and always heavy, even during my cuts. None of that girl shit.
So here is what I was thinking,
Week 1-12 Test Cyp 250mgs twice a week
Week 8-12 Winstrol 50mgs ED
Week 1-12 Arimidex 0.25mgs Mon/Wed/Fri (increase dosage if needed)
Week 13-15 Nothing
Week 16 - Start PCT (I will be following the perfect PCT protocol, I assume I don't need to post the whole thing for the vets here)
I know a lot of people recommend test only for a first cycle, others are okay with 1 oral as well. But I would really like to throw the oral in there. I believe I should be well aware of any test sides I could be having by week 8 when I start the Winstrol.
I just have a few questions. Would anyone recommend switching to test prop? I'm not worried about pinning more often, or so much pain since I'm in a chair all day, but I do like the idea of it clearing my system much quicker than cyp if I get sides I can't keep under control. And as for clomid in my PCT, I don't like the idea of it possibly making me all emotional or feeling "girly" which I've read alot. is there anything you guys would recommend switching the clomid with?
Anyways, I hope that was enough, or not too much info. Any suggestions or tips would he great guys. Throw it at me!
Sent from my SM-N900T using EliteFitness