This is probably not the perspective you were looking for, but ...
"Before we urged people to abandon dieting, however, we took a good look at what it is about diets that ensures their failure. Why, we asked, does dieting inevitably lead to binging?
Every diet is premised on two beliefs: that you are not okay the way you are and that food is an enemy from which you need protection. ...
In a culture that avidly supports dieting, it is easy to see why most women regard their inability to keep weight off as a personal failure. 'If only I'd had more willpower,' the standard lament goes ...
We view the failure of diets from a very different perspective. Instead, we see binging as a sign of healthy rebellion against the two beliefs on which all diets are based. We recognize that each time a woman binges, she is rebelling against the idea that there is something inherently wrong with her. Binging is also a rebellion against the restraints of diets, all of which declare certain foods off-limits, thus creating an exaggerated yearning for the forbidden foods. Indeed, dieting is the main cause of compulsive eating."
-- Jane R. Hirschmann and Carol H. Munter
You have 18% body fat, and you're yelling at yourself????? Girl, please. How do you think I got to be 225 lbs and a size 18??
You are doing fine. You are a perfectly OK person now, and if you never competed in another show again, you would STILL be a perfectly OK person.
The harder you are on yourself, the HARDER IT WILL BE for you to stick to ANY kind of diet or exercise regimen.
Congratulate yourself for what you've done and BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. By this I do not mean, go and pig out if you want to. I mean, ENDING THE YELLING about how bad you are. None of it is true anyway. Look how dedicated you ladies are and what good shape you're all in! You take better care of yourselves than 90% of America and you deserve to feel good, not bad, about that.
Plus, one Cosmic Truth I've learned about yelling at yourself: It doesn't help you do one damn thing.
Also, as a side note, thank you all for reminding me how difficult this is and how much work it really is. People like to tell us fat folks that it is no big deal, just a few minutes of work a day and you will be thin, you must really be lazy if you can't even do that! If someone works in a gym and wants to spend 3 hours a day exercising and likes to do that, that is good because it all works well for them. Actually, that sounds something like how I used to live when I was thin (except I didn't know anything about weights then and wouldn't have touched one with a ten foot pole).
But, having spent all but the past year or so of my life living a life I hated, with jobs I hated, school I hated, and an exercise regimen I hated, basically doing things I did not want to do 100% of my time, I have to restructure my priorities. I personally would be miserable if I spent my life the way your friend spends hers, and I can't make myself do that. If it doesn't happen with what I'm *willing* to do and *like* to do, without all this yelling and misery, then it ain't gonna happen at all.