Men are not "built" to like small waists, big breasts and tiny muscle-free bodies -- its a cultural norm. More than that, its a CURRENT cultural norm - in other words, a trend. Look at the women who were considered beautiful 50 years ago, 75 years ago, 100 years ago! In Brazil, for years the biggest plastic surgery procedures on women were breast reductions and buttock augmentation because there, a sexy woman has small breasts and a big butt. Hell, that's the beauty standard for a LOT of folks from Brazil to Brooklyn! And there are billions of Asians who manage to reproduce and find each other sexy even though many Asian women don't have tiny waists in comparison to their hips or breasts.
Black men have a term for women who are "big", solid and curvy in a muscular way: "thick." It's what Caribbean and W. African men call "sweet." And it is NOTHING like Calista Flockhart with a boob job! I went out with a guy who, when he felt my big muscular calf, GASPED in delight. I wasn't lifting at the time, I inherited these giant things from my grandma who had ripped calves at 70! He told me that it was good that my legs were solid, not like other women whose legs were soft, in his words, "like bread."
So, different strokes for different folks. Women have to be happy with THEMSELVES and the bodies they want to achieve. It's an uphill battle in the image biz, but keep ya head up, HBG!