Anyone know (with science to back them up) which exercises recruits the most muscle fibres?
My List which I have read from Dr. Ellington Darden
Chest- Close grip Decline press
Lats- Curl grip/parralell grip chins/pulldown
Legs- Squats, Romanian DL( got romanian DL from AST-ss)
Shoulders - Clean + Press (got that from steve Davis)
Im looking to pack on some more mass to my 220lbs frame and I just want to focus on a few exercises but I want to choose the ones that work the muscle fully.
My List which I have read from Dr. Ellington Darden
Chest- Close grip Decline press
Lats- Curl grip/parralell grip chins/pulldown
Legs- Squats, Romanian DL( got romanian DL from AST-ss)
Shoulders - Clean + Press (got that from steve Davis)
Im looking to pack on some more mass to my 220lbs frame and I just want to focus on a few exercises but I want to choose the ones that work the muscle fully.