Hey everyone, first time poster here. This site is incredible, thanks to everyone for posting.
Had some bloodwork done this week, here are some stats:
55yo, TRT for about 5 years (150mg Sust 250 weekly), one Test-Primo cycle last year
Total test- 834
Free Test- 131
Estradiol- 19
Total Cholesterol- 177 (first reading in the "normal" range in 15 years, I couldn't believe it)
Liver panel- all normal
So, three thoughts I might like some feedback on...
1) I see many references to estrogen "balance" being the key to good estrogen levels but can't find anyone mentioning what balance actually is. What is a good Free Test to Estradiol ratio? Is it different for everyone? Should I have a target?
2) Do I need to reduce my TRT a little? 834 is pretty high. Bloodwork was 2 days after a shot, I do 2x/wk, .3 cc (75mg) per shot.
3) I am planning a 16wk Sust-Primo-Anavar (Primo first 12 wks, Anavar last 6) for late summer and would love suggestions and feedback on that.
Oh, I lift 5 days/wk, normal split... chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/forearms, legs, start over. I theoretically train either calves or core each workout, alternating but the theory often fails. Yoga 2x/wk, indoor soccer 1-2x/wk.
Had some bloodwork done this week, here are some stats:
55yo, TRT for about 5 years (150mg Sust 250 weekly), one Test-Primo cycle last year
Total test- 834
Free Test- 131
Estradiol- 19
Total Cholesterol- 177 (first reading in the "normal" range in 15 years, I couldn't believe it)
Liver panel- all normal
So, three thoughts I might like some feedback on...
1) I see many references to estrogen "balance" being the key to good estrogen levels but can't find anyone mentioning what balance actually is. What is a good Free Test to Estradiol ratio? Is it different for everyone? Should I have a target?
2) Do I need to reduce my TRT a little? 834 is pretty high. Bloodwork was 2 days after a shot, I do 2x/wk, .3 cc (75mg) per shot.
3) I am planning a 16wk Sust-Primo-Anavar (Primo first 12 wks, Anavar last 6) for late summer and would love suggestions and feedback on that.
Oh, I lift 5 days/wk, normal split... chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/forearms, legs, start over. I theoretically train either calves or core each workout, alternating but the theory often fails. Yoga 2x/wk, indoor soccer 1-2x/wk.