I cant stand buying my kids cheap shit anymore. Like dollar toys and crap like that. In only ends up as a dog toy in the back yard anyway.... So I'm wondering if maybe My kids have become spoiled little brats due to all the money dad has now..
So I got the oldest boy and girl a Nintendo 3d and the youngest boy a new lap top for eater. now all of them have a Nintendo 3d, lap top, Ipod,Ipad,42 in Tv, Xbox, PS3, each one has their own ATV now built for their size. 125 for the oldest 75 for the girl and a 50 for the boy and a 450 for me. I refuse to buy cloths anywhere but the mall for all of them and now I am flat out running out of gift Ideas for birth days and holidays..
My oldest son works for me now and I do make him work hard cleaning, dishes, mowing the grass, labeling products and so on. But I pay him like 20 bucks and hour. I used to work all week for 3 bucks when I was his age..
At what point do Kids become spoiled brats and silver spoon babies or some shit like that?? My sons 13 now and never been grounded in his life.. Granted He's never done anything to warrant being grounded. But like maybe I should just make something up...
It just worries me. The other day my oldest son said to his mother ( were not living together) " Im just going to drop out of school and work for my dad"..... I don't want my kids giving up on themselves thinking dads monies always going to be there for them.. That is my biggest fear..