I've been trying Dogcrap's training methods since Jan. My fiance has been training that way since October and I was curious to give it a shot. I love it! I can notice a major difference in muscle development and definition and I hurt after my workouts like never before (which is a good thing).
I was always one of those people who thought that training 5-6 days a week would yield the best results. I'd weight train 4 x per week then do 45 minutes of cardio after every workout. On my days off, I'd do an hour of cardio. It did nothing for me but deplete my energy levels and turn into an insomniac.
I train DC's style for four weeks, then for two weeks, I'd train the same body parts DC style, only do higher sets and reps in place of my all out working sets. As for cardio, I've not been doing a ton lately but next week I'm starting to train for a 10 mile race so I'll begin my running again. I'll only run on my days off from weights. Right now I train one day on, one day off; It works best for me and my hectic schedule right now.
I'd recommend that you try it. It's a total lift from the usual way of training and it's way more challenging. I can do unassisted chin-ups now!! I've been working on it every third back workout and I've improved every time! My current PB is 3 x 4.