This is what I cannot get. I'm gonna rant a little, but just bear with me. This is not a Republican or Democratic thing. This is a human nature thing:
How many of us have ever gotten a "favor" from a friend? Maybe it was help getting a job. Maybe it was a discount on something you wanted to buy. Maybe it was an introduction to some guy/girl. Perhaps it was as subtle as a recommendation for school. Or a little free help fixing your car/computer/camera/home.
Anyway... if you have, then you have leveraged a relationship. Guess what? Human beings are social animals and social animals form networks. Within these networks, it isn't a level playing field because the more "connected" members will leverage relationships among other "connected" members to get extraordinary things done.
Now let's throw-in another factor: human nature. People will look-out for their own self interests. I'm not saying every single person will insure that every single decision always goes their way, but at the end of the day a person will convince themselves of what they "deserve" and take the appropriate measures to insure they get it. It's really not that complicated.
Now let's look at government. Who runs the government? People. The same people who leverage relationships and look-out for their own self interests. But here's the problem. We're not talking about $100 worth of computer repair favors anymore. We're not talking about getting help upgrading your job from working at Aeropostle to Wet Seal at the mall for the summer. Now we're talking about well over a TRILLION dollars. The government is working exactly as you'd expect it to -- with corruption, graft, misappropriation of funds and flat-out favoritism.
So how do you minimize the corruption? Its easy -- you minimize the government. Anytime someone proposes yet another big-government program in the name of "helping people", they are simply feeding the corruption and graft machine.
Anyway... /rant off.
Peace Out!