how long should i keep it on my quads before i can clean the area out? I think i added too much DMSO and to let it all dry out WILL take a loooong time...
Anytime that I left DMSO on overnight I woke up with a layer of skin missing. It seriously irritated my skin. On top of all that I smelt like I was trying to ward off a vampire I smelt like garlic so bad. If your plan is to do fina I'd definetly recommend injecting it over the DMSO route. It's alot more comfortable...
what i'm doing is that i'm just testing what DMSO can do for me....
i got two sust amps and spread with dmso on my quads. Tomorrow morning i'll see if it has done anything to me.... but i just can't stay with all this shit on my quads, i used too much DMSO! damn.
damn! what the hell happened to my right quad! after 3 hours, i removed the god damn DMSO with 500MG of sust, and my right leg is damn thick, and hard! much better than my left! fuck, cool isn't it?